About This Project

Mosaic Insights and Alluvium Consulting have worked with the Illawarra Shoalhaven Joint Organisation and the member councils between 2020-2022 on their Enabling Water Sensitive Communities Program. The program aims to increase the uptake of water sensitive practices across the region in the private and public realm.

In 2020 we completed a WSC benchmarking exercise to assess water sensitive performance for ISJO and member councils including Wollongong. This process identified the performance of the region across governance, public space design and management, provision of essential services, green infrastructure, inclusion of community and first nations in water planning and management.

In 2021 we worked with the ISJO and member councils prepared a regional framework for a water sensitive region and guidance and tools for planning for WSUD including a model Development Control Plan, flow charts for WSUD and delivery of water sensitive projects  and collaboration internally within council and with community, developers and other agencies.

In 2021-2022 we worked with the ISJO and members councils to understand the individual priorities of the organisations and developed a bespoke Next Steps plan to address each organisation’s priorities. The Next Steps plan identified actions for technical areas of work relating to water sensitive communities as well as capacity building actions to support each individual organisation progress on their water sensitive journey.

urban design, urban water policy, water planning and management, water sensitive benchmark, water sensitive cities, water sensitive practices, water sensitive urban design