Insights and Advisory – NSW Open Space Strategy

About This Project

NSW Department of Planning Industry and Environment engaged Mosaic Insights to provide insights and advice regarding the direction and structure of a State-wide  open space strategy for NSW.

Mosaic Insights was engaged to research best practice open space planning at a landscape scale and to speak with leading individuals and governments from around the world.

We researched the literature around; land use planning and the integration of biophysical, social and recreation information to inform open space strategies, the strengths and weaknesses of classification of open space – park typologies, landscape scale planning for open space from city-scale to the current plans for a national approach to open space being pursued in Canada.

We provided the evidence about classifications and benchmarks as well as the value of visioning, collaboration and sound governance for managing complexity.

We advised on the need for integrated mapping and inclusion of a range of data and information to inform open space decisions. We looked to the past and identified initiatives that should be repeated and those that should be avoided. We also supported DPIE to structure their strategy and provide the introductory chapters.

We were part of a team of consultants engaged in an advisory role. The NSW Open Space strategy is still under development.

integrated mapping, NSW parks, open space classification, open space design, open space strategy