Mosaic Insights and Alluvium have partnered with the Institute for Sustainable Futures to develop a Sustainability and Heat Report to inform the rapid and significant development of the new global gateway to be built around the Western Sydney International (Nancy-Bird Walton) Airport.
Transformational change of the Western Parkland City is underway, and Mosaic Insights is leading the development of the Sustainability and Heat principles and directions to achieve the vision for a parkland city that protects its blue green core and its rich cultural heritage.
Mosaic Insights and the Institute for Sustainable Futures are providing strategic evidence to the Planning Partnership of the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment, Penrith Council and Liverpool Council. We are using our deep research understanding and experience across the circular economy, water sensitive cities, low carbon communities and cool suburbs.
We will demonstrate the benefits of taking a strategic resilience approach to water, waste and energy to create a sustainable, cooler, greener infinitely more liveable urban environment and healthier waterways and catchment.