
The '3-30-300 rule' is an evidence-based recommendation which states that urban residents should be able to see at least 3 trees from their home; there should be 30% tree canopy cover in each neighbourhood; and 300 metres should be the maximum distance to the nearest...

Our analysis, street by street and footpath by footpath, of Melbourne’s open spaces show there are about half a million people without open spaces within 400 metres walking distance of their homes. But opening up schools and golf courses to public access could change that for...

More than 85% of Australian live in cities, which are becoming hotter under climate change. The number of record hot days in Australia has doubled in the last 60 years. Heatwaves are becoming hotter, lasting longer and happening more frequently. People living in an urban environment...

Omeo sits at the gateway to Victoria's ski slopes deep in Victoria’s alpine country, providing valuable tourism services for the East Gippsland Shire. Like many of Australia’s regional towns, Omeo experiences “resource dependency” - meaning this small community depends on a narrow range of natural...

Climate change must be part of the bushfire discussion In August 2019, the Bushfire and Natural Hazards Cooperative ­Research Centre released Australia’s bushfire outlook for the coming season, showing large areas of eastern Australia facing above-normal fire threat. The Nation has looked on in disbelief as...